Ringworm is a kind of a fungal infection that occurs due to fungi known as dermatophytes. This infection can be on the scalp, feet, nails and skin of the affected individuals or animals. The symptoms include redness and a circular shape on the skin. It leads to itchiness, irritation and even baldness in the affected area. Ringworm can be spread through direct skin to skin contact, through pets or by way of shower stalls and floors.
There are many ways to cure ringworm. These include oral treatments, topical treatments and alternative medicines. Oral medications are most commonly used all over the world and these include griseofulvin and itraconazol, among others. These can be obtained over the counter and have been in use for a long time now. These have been proven to be quite effective, but they may involve side effects. They are also not effective in killing the fungus and may lead to recurrence of the infection. Topical treatments actually kill the fungus rather than just superficially treating it like the oral mediations. Lime sulfur dip is a kind of a topical therapy commonly used for treating pets of ringworm. One kind of alternative treatment method is homoeopathic medication, which is relatively safe and does not involve any sort of adverse side effects. Tea tree oil is also used quite often to treat ringworm.
There are many ways to prevent the ringworm. Basically, maintaining a hygienic lifestyle for one self and for one$%:s pets in the household is a key to preventing ringworm. Also not sharing any items with the affected person will not lead to spread of the infection. Ringworm, being a fungal infection, can be extremely severe therefore, it is important to take all sorts of preventive measures against it.